Please see The Voice newspaper ENTIRE FRONT PAGE article on the One Million Households, #Blackpoundspendingpower campaign.


Just Click on the link below:


We as UK Africans resident in the UK have a vast network of up to ten times ‘Our’ 2 million UK population number….

You’ll note from the list sent previously that we have Sir Lenny Henry CBE, and Dawn French, onboard since 2008, as two of our honorary founder members. As well as dozens of MP’s and MEP’s too… Reflecting the TRUE DIVERSITY of ‘Our Households’, spendingpower.

So, please INVITE by ADDING 100 of your UK Facebook Friends… By going to the Groups (Members All), then, ‘Add Friends’ button… Top right-hand corner… It’s as simple as that… Before you know it¸ you’ll have ADDED over 100 Friends… This Group more than most on is about STRENGTH IN NUMBERS… Unity… United we stand… divided we fall.

YOUR UNION – It’s YOUR Household UNION to represent the interest of YOU and YOUR loved-ones. It’s to be your first and last ‘port of call’ in a stormy situation. Here to represent YOU, when ALL else fails. Let’s make #TheBlackpound happen together…


1. MARRIAGE – One single marital relationship can give rise to up to forty extended family members from other racial, cultural, religious and social groups. That includes; David and Carrie Grant for example.

2. COUPLES – Couples living together – even if not married two people living together, can give rise to – joint tenancy agreements, joint Social Security, and benefit claims. Again, a relationship, ‘recognised by law’.

3. IN-LAWS – Mother and Father In-laws, Brothers and Sisters in-law…

4. COUSINS – We all have cousins, again, inter-marital relationship create these too from other racial and social groups.

5. ADOPTIVE PARENTS – Many people from other social and racial groups adopt UK African children. This gives rise to a ‘legal relationship’ too. We need to reach these people and hopefully, have them join the campaign also. Madonna is a good example of this.

6. FOSTER PARENTS – Foster parents have a ‘legal relationship’ with the children in their care temporarily. Thousands foster children every year. We need to reach them. They are there on your Facebook profile… You know who they are, and that’s what makes Facebook unique as a social networking platform for ‘us’ to move from a ‘CommUNITY’ to a ‘Society’…

7. LEGAL GUARDIANS – Legal Guardians of course, have a ‘legally recognised relationship’ with the minors/children the courts put them in Guardianships over.

8. GOD PARENTS – Godparents too have a ‘legally recognised relationship’, as you can NOT marry your Godchild or visa versa. Therefore, Godparents and Godchildren are recognised in law. Many people of African decent in the UK have people of other social, cultural and racial groups as the Godparent of their children.

9. AGENTS – Agents in music, sport, media, publishing, art and politics, are agents with African clients/principles. Also, people of other races and social groups, have UK African people as their Agent… We need to tap into this.

10. EMPLOYERS – Employers who directly employ someone of UK African origin also should be joining the Group. As this too is a ‘legally recognised relationship’…

So, please, dig deep into your Facebook friends, ADD and invite people from other social, cultural, religious and racial groups. Please, forwards this message tag it, copy it to your email. Or simply include a link in your email signature…

Two-Thirds – At least Two-thirds of the people we have as members of this #Blackpoundspendingpower campaign, should be people of other racial, cultural, religious and social groups. Other than African… That’s the STRENGH of this group, that’s the strength of the #Blackpoundspendingpower. We are a 2 Million UK Population at maximum. We have legal and biological relationships with at least twice that number – Perhaps, as much as, five times that – 10 million people in the UK alone! Let’s realise this…

Let’s have this ##Blackpound UNION online campaign TRULY reflect the TRUE DIVERSITY of ‘Our UK African Households’…

Joining the team..

Joining the team…

Again, many thanks…

Remember… We have the World Cup this year… Let’s make 2018 something we remember not just for the World Cup…

Have a positive 2018!


Wishing you all the very best in your future endeavours…


Let’s continue to work together, in #Umoja, and the spirit of #Ubuntu, helping and respecting each other…

The links below, should connect you to some background info about the #Blackpound #spendingpower campaign.

How Do We Create a Strong & United #BlackCommUNITY✊

​How Do We Create A Strong And United Black Community?

#Blackpound #Blackpoundman




Best of #Blackpoundman


Wishing you, every facit of power, knowledge and understanding from #ourancientGREATMIGHTYAfrikanancestors

Have a nice nite.

Wishing you dreams & visions for a better future for our children & grandchildren…



Warren Alexander-Dean
Founder and joint Administrator with 19 others
UK African Family Household UNION™ &
UK African Parliament™ – online campaign

M: +44 7539900596 WhatsApp
T: @OneMillionHouse

One Million Households – Making the #Blackpound work for us!