#Thanx 4 the record #ReTweets

BIG Thanks, for the record number of ReTweets that the Blackpound campaign’s had on Twitter.


A BIG Thanks! – To everybody who ReTweeted in the past 24hrs for the #BlackpoundUNION online campaign. The #UKBlackpound #campaign has had more #ReTweets and #ShareIt across #Twitter than ever before! Which is quite timely and most befitting as the campaign just this August reached it’s tenth anniversary online.

24hrs – In the past 24 hours, we’ve had the largest amount of ReTweets on #Twitter, in the four years that we’ve been on #Twitter… Your #ReTweets, and that of other avid Twitter supporters of the #Blackpound #spendingpower #campaign, who’ve been ReTweeting, and especially those, who have never before, or just do so, infrequently occasionally.

To you, a very special ‘Thank You’…

This most encouraging letter, was written just over ten years ago…

Ms. Diane Abbott MP – Letter in Support




We need to be very serious and move the #Blackpound online campaign to the next stage of offline street canvassing and networking. The #UKBlackpound #campaign has enough support and more online in terms of quality and quantity of support… What we need now, is your #action in this way. And any help and support, that you might be able to give.. This is your campaign, for your ‘#HouseholdUnion’


#Joining the #team..

Joining the team…

#AgentsOfChange #GuardiansOfTheFuture


How #Afrikanpeople should use the #Internet…✊


How Afrikan people should use the Internet.

#StrategicCollective #RaisingOurselvesUpCollectively #StrengthInNumbers

#Hashtags is something the #globalAfrikancommUNITY needs to use more, to connect us, and to allow issues and subjects we gravitate around online to feature and trend more offen online, especially on Twitter, though hashtags can be used in most electronic online formats and platforms. The #BlackLivesMatter being probably, the best, most effective hashtag the word has ever seen. The #globalAfrikancommUNITY needs to, take a bow, there… That’s a great achievement… As it gave rise to a whole movement… #BlackTwitter is another great, online hashtag achievement, which would be praised acknowledged and lorded… It done by another community…

Let’s do great endeavours, to #RaisingOurselvesUpCollectively


Wishing you all the very best in your future endeavours…


Let’s continue to work together, in #Umoja, and the spirit of #Ubuntu, helping and respecting each other…

The links below, should connect you to some background info about the #Blackpound #spendingpower campaign.


One million urged to join #theBlackpound #spendingpower #ConsumerCampaign ✊

Voice entire front page article

Voice –ENTIRE front page


How Do We Create a Strong & United #BlackCommUNITY✊


​How Do We Create A Strong And United Black Community?

#Blackpound #Blackpoundman








Best of #Blackpoundman



Wishing you, every facit of power, knowledge and understanding from #ourancientGREATMIGHTYAfrikanancestors

Have a nice nite.

Wishing you dreams & visions for a better future for our children & grandchildren…




Warren Alexander-Dean


Founder and joint Administrator with 19 others


UK African Family Household UNION™ &

UK African Parliament™ – online campaign


M: +44 7539900596 WhatsApp

E: 1MH@gmx.com

T: @OneMillionHouse


One Million Households – Making the #Blackpound work for us!



#BIGThanx – #BlackTwitter

download (13)


Greetings David, dear brother


Thanx for your very kind call this afternoon, great pleasure to hear from you again Bro.

I’ve noted the names and contacts especially in Birmingham, and a note in my dairy from 17th September to 13th October, as regards making arrangements to visit Birmingham, during #BlackHistoryMonth.

My dear Brother, thanks for all your very kind support.

I look forward to speaking with you again before then give my regards to Mr Maxie Hayles…

I’ve got some serious BIGGING UP of you to do on Twitter, too. Funny enough, in the past 24 hours, we’ve had the largest amount of ReTweets on #Twitter, in the four years that we’ve been on here… I’m sure, that is also due to your #ReTweets, and that of other avid Twitter supporters of the #Blackpound #spendingpower #campaign, who’ve been ReTweeting, and especially those, who have never before, or just do so, infrequently occasionally.

Moreover, your continued consistent outstanding support on Twitter, has placed you in an unparalleled overwhelming, outstanding lead position, as a laudable exemplary Twitter supporter. No one, with exception of myself, has ever done, so many ReTweets for the #BlackpoundUNION online #campaign on #Twitter @OneMillionHouse. My dear Brother, thanks… I sulute you… #Morestrength2U…

Fourty-seven ReTweet notifications – We’ve had so many, some Blackpound campaign supporters, doing as many as six, tweets in one go, or several over the last twenty four hours. I’m grateful and indebted and proud of you all… It’s been three of the four years, that the Blackpound campaign’s been on #Twitter, that I’ve really been pushing the #globalAfrikancommUNITY to use Twitter, and online social media networks more effectively… To raise ourselves up; socially, politically, economically and spiritually…

How #Afrikanpeople should use the #Internet…✊


How Afrikan people should use the Internet.

#StrategicCollective #RaisingOurselvesUpCollectively #StrengthInNumbers


#Hashtags is something the #globalAfrikancommUNITY needs to use more, to connect us, and to allow issues and subjects we gravitate around online to feature and trend more offen online, especially on Twitter, though hashtags can be used in most electronic online formats and platforms. The #BlackLivesMatter being probably, the best, most effective hashtag the word has ever seen. The #globalAfrikancommUNITY needs to, take a bow, there… That’s a great achievement… As it gave rise to a whole movement… #BlackTwitter is another great, online hashtag achievement, which would be praised acknowledged and lorded… It done by another community…


Again, many thanks for all your great #ReTweets… calls, and encouraging support…

Enjoy your evening…

Wishing you all the very best in your future endeavours…


Let’s continue to work together, in #Umoja, and the spirit of #Ubuntu, helping and respecting each other…


The links below, should connect you to some background info about the #Blackpound #spendingpower campaign.


One million urged to join #theBlackpound #spendingpower #ConsumerCampaign ✊

Voice entire front page article

Voice –ENTIRE front page


How Do We Create a Strong & United #BlackCommUNITY✊


​How Do We Create A Strong And United Black Community?

#Blackpound #Blackpoundman








Best of #Blackpoundman



Wishing you, every facit of power, knowledge and understanding from #ourancientGREATMIGHTYAfrikanancestors

Have a nice nite.

Wishing you dreams & visions for a better future for our children & grandchildren…


#Morestrength2U Bro…



Warren Alexander-Dean


Founder and joint Administrator with 19 others


UK African Family Household UNION™ &

UK African Parliament™ – online campaign

M: +44 7539900596 WhatsApp

E: 1MH@gmx.com

T: @OneMillionHouse


One Million Households – Making the #Blackpound work for us!

The #DoubleedgedSword #DoubleedgedRacialSword

download (2)

The #DoubleedgedSword #DoubleedgedRacialSword

This unprovoked unwarranted brutal physical abuse, ABH / second degree assault, upon an unarmed man. Who the police officer, seems to have some personal issues with is seriously sad…

This is a blatant most unfortunate double edged #racialsword:

One side of this sword, this #Blackpoliceofficer could not openly blatantly take such brutal abusive #civilliberties with #Whitepeople, either at the material time, and or later as the social punishment, and backlash, #PoliticalOutcry would be far too great. This is #RaceSupremacy ultimately, #Whitesupremacy #Whiteprivillage. When people see this, for all racial and social groups, this #RaceIdeology and #RacialOpression is reinforced… This is #RaceHateCrime


Two the other edge of the sword, the #Black #PoliceOfficer does and will continue to face immediate full public punishment, he will receive the full punishment of the law, and criminal courts.

The #Blackpoliceofficer will face social condemnation and outcasting from the #BlackCommUNITY too. He’s family will suffer economically. He’s job, will most likely be filled by an officer from another Racial group, hence, loss of #BlackCurrency earnings… Whilst, this sends a sad message to #Whitepoliceofficers that, #Whitesupremacy and #Whiteprivillage is still the status quo…. #Onerule4oneOnerule4another

So, here, #Blackpeople and the #BlackCommUNITY lose twice, from this most severe #DoubleedgedRacialSword…


#Injustice anywhere is a threat to #justice everywhere



#MLK #RvDrKing




Daily #racial #oppression

Daily #Racial #Oppression

#GoogleAlerts #AfricanAlerts #BlackTwitter


#Blackpound #TheBlackpound #Black #Pound


#oppression #downpression

#inequality #injustice

#Afrikans #Africans #Moors #Nubians #Maroons

#Umoja #WAD_C


#Racism & #liberties, over #civilliberties

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jul/27/ipcc-bungled-case-against-officers-accused-of-racially-abusing-#Afrikan #Moors #Nubian #Melanin #melaninbloggers #Umoja💖


#WeAreHereMovement #BLM




Let’s continue to work together, in #Umoja, and the spirit of #Ubuntu, helping and respecting each other…



#Nubians #Moors #Afrikans


#AfricanAlerts #BlackTwitter

#Blackpoundman #TheBlackpoundman

#Umoja #Ubuntu


@OneMillionHouse #Twitter

@onemillionhouseholds – #Instagram

You can watch the video here, by clicking on the Facebook link below:


Health Tips






120/80 — Normal

130/85 –Normal (Control)

140/90 — High

150/95 — V.High





72 per minute (standard)

60 — 80 p.m. (Normal)

40 — 180 p.m.(abnormal)





98.4 F (Normal)

99.0 F Above (Fever)


Please help your Relatives, Friends by sharing this information….


Heart Attacks And

Drinking Warm



This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal,

but about Heart Attack’s . The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their

meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt

their drinking habit while

eating. For those who like to drink cold water, this

article is applicable to

you. It is very Harmful to have Cold Drink/Water during a meal. Because,

the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you

have just consumed. It will

slow down the digestion. Once this ‘sludge’

reacts with the acid, it will break down and be

absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats

and lead to cancer . It is best to drink hot soup

or warm water after a meal.


French fries and Burgers

are the biggest enemy of heart health. A coke after that gives more power to

this demon. Avoid them for

your Heart’s & Health.


Drink one glass of warm water just when you are about to go to bed to avoid clotting of the blood at night to avoid heart attacks or strokes.


A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this

message sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we’ll save at least one life.

Cheers And Enjoy life




Compatible Blood Types


O- can receive O-


O+ can receive O+, O-


A- can receive A-, O-


A+ can receive A+, A-, O+, O-


B- can receive B-, O-


B+ can receive B+, B-, O+, O-


AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O-


AB+ can receive AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+, A-, O+, O-


This is an important msg which can save a life! A life could be saved..


💐 We Know Water is

important but never

knew about the

Special Times one

has to drink it.. !!


Did you ???


💦 Drinking Water at the

Right Time ⏰

Maximizes its

effectiveness on the

Human Body;


1⃣ 1 Glass of Water

after waking up –

🕕⛅ helps to

activate internal



2⃣ 1 Glass of Water

30 Minutes 🕧

before a Meal –

helps digestion..


3⃣ 1 Glass of Water

before taking a

Bath 🚿 – helps

lower your blood



4⃣ 1 Glass of Water

before going to

Bed – 🕙 avoids

Stroke or Heart



‘When someone

shares something of

value with you and

you benefit from it,

You have a moral

obligation to share it

with others.



I received from my friend and am now sharing this.



click link below:


Health Tips

images (3)






120/80 — Normal

130/85 –Normal (Control)

140/90 — High

150/95 — V.High





72 per minute (standard)

60 — 80 p.m. (Normal)

40 — 180 p.m.(abnormal)





98.4 F (Normal)

99.0 F Above (Fever)


Please help your Relatives, Friends by sharing this information….


Heart Attacks And

Drinking Warm



This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal,

but about Heart Attack’s . The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their

meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt

their drinking habit while

eating. For those who like to drink cold water, this

article is applicable to

you. It is very Harmful to have Cold Drink/Water during a meal. Because,

the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you

have just consumed. It will

slow down the digestion. Once this ‘sludge’

reacts with the acid, it will break down and be

absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats

and lead to cancer . It is best to drink hot soup

or warm water after a meal.


French fries and Burgers

are the biggest enemy of heart health. A coke after that gives more power to

this demon. Avoid them for

your Heart’s & Health.


Drink one glass of warm water just when you are about to go to bed to avoid clotting of the blood at night to avoid heart attacks or strokes.


A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this

message sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we’ll save at least one life.

Cheers And Enjoy life




Compatible Blood Types


O- can receive O-


O+ can receive O+, O-


A- can receive A-, O-


A+ can receive A+, A-, O+, O-


B- can receive B-, O-


B+ can receive B+, B-, O+, O-


AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O-


AB+ can receive AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+, A-, O+, O-


This is an important msg which can save a life! A life could be saved..


💐 We Know Water is

important but never

knew about the

Special Times one

has to drink it.. !!


Did you ???


💦 Drinking Water at the

Right Time ⏰

Maximizes its

effectiveness on the

Human Body;


1⃣ 1 Glass of Water

after waking up –

🕕⛅ helps to

activate internal



2⃣ 1 Glass of Water

30 Minutes 🕧

before a Meal –

helps digestion..


3⃣ 1 Glass of Water

before taking a

Bath 🚿 – helps

lower your blood



4⃣ 1 Glass of Water

before going to

Bed – 🕙 avoids

Stroke or Heart



‘When someone

shares something of

value with you and

you benefit from it,

You have a moral

obligation to share it

with others.



I received from my friend and am now sharing this.






Let’s continue to work together, in #Umoja, and the spirit of #Ubuntu, helping and respecting each other…




#Nubians #Moors #Afrikans


#AfricanAlerts #BlackTwitter #Blackpoundman #Umoja #Ubuntu


Why #boycottJamieOliver


Greetings, dear bredren,



Thanks for taking the time to reply so, frequently and consistently.

Simply Put – You can’t just go and open up a shop in Chinatown or in the North London heartland of the Jewish community, for they have community and you won’t get far as even renting, leasing or buying premises. That #commUNITY is ‘locked down tight!’ They wouldn’t even have to mention online, boycotting you, they simply wouldn’t have anything to do with you, they wouldn’t buy from you. This is a slap in the face of the #BlackCommUNITY its simple disrespect, that we see and experience far too often…

#ThinkBlack #BuyBlack – The real issue is with the #Blackpound and the circulation of #TheBlackpound within the #UKBlackCommUNITY nationally, and the issue of #BlackCurrency #Blackspendingpower again, within the #UKAfrikancommUNITY. The #UKBlackpound #campaign is also about what #PecuniaryBenefits we receive as #BlackConsumers and the overall pecuniary benefits our #UKAfrikanhouseholds receive as a collective, including #ourlovedones…

Diversity – Now, some people argue that this campaign, and indeed any organisation for the benefit of #Blackpeople should in fact not have any people of other races involved whatsoever. However, this currently only online #ConsumerCampaign is about looking at the reality of the UKAfrikanHousehold and it’s true make up, of people of varying #racialgroups, religion, #socialstatus, #politicalstatus, #economicstatus and views, and moving on the wave of #EconomicStrength and #PoliticalStrength: #StrengthInNumbers that this offers an #African #StrategicCollective, a #HouseholdUNION galvanised around common interest, based upon the #Combined #BlackpoundSpendingPower, this would also mean, calling on the #EconomicStrength of our friends and allies in other social, religious and racial groups too, whom in some cases, we have legal relations with, this might be: in-laws, foster parents, godparents, guardians, mentors, employers, employees, agents, clients, even neighbours, or friends, who will have empathy with our cause and plight. This combined, is a massive #EconomicStrength, strength we can’t afford to ignore.

No Economic Minority – #Blackpeople are perceived as an economic and political ‘minority’ in the UK, this campaign is about demonstrating that this is indeed not the case and quite to the contrary, we as #Afrikanpeople might indeed number just under 2 million people in terms of population numbers. However, when it comes to our households, our Blackpound and our #CombinedSpendingPower, then, that’s a different thing… As you have to take into account the, Irish, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Eastern European, Asian, East Asian, Chinese etc that actually make up our homes.

Strength In Numbers – When you take into account the sheer diversity of people we in fact have make up our UK household, then, we go from two million to perhaps as much as eleven to fifteen million people, now, that’s no minority in a population of seventy million people in the UK… On the contrary that’s serious economic strength, especially when exercising economic leverage, as in the case of a #boycottJamieOliver or #Boycott of any kind.

Example – That’s why we have #LennyHenry and #DawnFrench as our two primary Honorary Founder Members, to clearly demonstrate the true real diversity of our household.



strengthinnumbers #diversity

#StrategicCollective – The #sugarboycott for example, didn’t have many African people participating in the boycott, though Africans were the main beneficiary. Yet, the sugar boycott was extremely effective in ending the #transatlanticslavetrade. The sugar boycott galvanised people who were emphatic to the plight of African slaves. So, image, what we can do, if we can call upon our emphatic friends, and allies as well as exercise economic leverage and #spendingpower ourselves as a #commUNITY…

Many people, countries, would have #Africanpeople as buyers, consumers only, always playing catchup, always handing our money over to other nations, other races, other cultures. Both as individuals and as countries. This #Blackpound campaign is about ensuring that the #UKBlackpound circulates more within the #BlackCommUNITY, that we receive better treatment as customers, that we receive better and more pecuniary advantages: such as sponsorship, pension fund investment in #BlackOwnedBusiness, especially business startups. That we receive our equal share of contracts with both public and private sector organisations. That’s what this #BlackpoundUnion online #consumercampaign is all about.

Organizational Structure – To reach these goals seriously, we need to have a #parliamentary style, #TUC style organizational structure. Hence, UK Black Family Household UNION and UK Afrikan Parliament. We need to have, sufficient Ministers, Ambassadors, and Aides to tackle the issues of: #RaceDiscrimination, #RaceHateCrime, #InstitutionalRacism, the remains of the #ColonialSystem of #HumanOppression, #RaceSupremacy and even #WhiteSupremacy…



#UmojaisourMIGHT #StrategicCollective #StrengthInNumbers #TouchOneTouchUsALL

#UnityisourMIGHT #UMOJAisourMIGHT #TreeUNITY



#BLM #Blackpeople #Africans #Caribbeans




#TheBlackpound #Black #Pound #Blackpoundman



SpreadDword – Please do your very best to support the #Blackpoundunion campaign and get involved. We have just entered our tenth anniversary year, of online campaigning and we very seriously need to move on to the next stage, the next level. #Share, #ReTweet, donate your time, some resource, or money, but, do something, positive, make a positive lasting impression and contribution to the #Blackpoundunion campaign…

Joining the team..

Joining the team…

#Revolution #AgentsOfChange #GuardiansOfTheFutureJoining the team..

Joining the team…

#GoogleAlerts #Blackpeople #Africans #Afrikans #Moors #Nubians #Umoja

#revolution #AgentsOfChange

#BOYCOTTJamieOliver https://onemillionhouseholds.wordpress.com/2018/08/20/boycottjamieoliver/

Again, thanks for taking the time to reply and make your point, and voice heard…

Thanx 4 supporting the #Blackpound #campaign online.


Thanx 4 supporting the #Blackpound on Twitter

Wishing you all the very best in your future endeavours…


Let’s continue to work together, in #Umoja, and the spirit of #Ubuntu, helping and respecting each other…

The links below, should connect you to some background info about the #Blackpound #spendingpower campaign.

One million urged to join #theBlackpound #spendingpower #ConsumerCampaign ✊

Voice entire front page article

Voice –ENTIRE front page

How Do We Create a Strong & United #BlackCommUNITY✊

​How Do We Create A Strong And United Black Community?

#Blackpound #Blackpoundman






Best of #Blackpoundman


Wishing you, every facit of power, knowledge and understanding from #ourancientGREATMIGHTYAfrikanancestors

Have a nice nite.

Wishing you dreams & visions for a better future for our children & grandchildren…




Warren Alexander-Dean


Founder and joint Administrator with 19 others


UK African Family Household UNION™ &

UK African Parliament™ – online campaign

M: +44 7539900596 WhatsApp

E: 1MH@gmx.com

T: @OneMillionHouse


One Million Households – Making the #Blackpound work for us!





#plagiarization of other cultures and nations is the history of the European. Whilst suppressing the achievements of others.


TheUKAfrikancommUNITY simply needs to show its detain by #boycottJamieOliver simply, show the #Blackpoundspendingpower and the power of the #BlackCommUNITY #Blackpound

#TheBlackpound #Black #Pound









#GoogleAlerts #AfrikanAlerts

#Blackpeople #Africans #Afrikans #Caribbeans #Moors #Nubians





Jamie Oliver accused of ‘Jamaican appropriation’ over ‘jerk rice’ dish – Sky News https://news.sky.com/story/jamie-oliver-accused-of-jamaican-appropriation-over-jerk-rice-dish-11477504



Jamie Oliver’s ‘jerk rice’ accused of cultural appropriation – BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-45246009


Levi Roots calls Jamie Oliver’s jerk rice dish ‘a mistake’ https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/jamie-oliver-jerk-rice-levi-roots-mistake-cultural-appropriation-a8499751.html


Everyone is kicking off over Jamie Oliver’s ‘jerk rice’ https://metro.co.uk/2018/08/20/everyone-is-kicking-off-over-jamie-olivers-jerk-rice-7859012/?ito=article.amp.share.top.twitter via @MetroUK




Let’s continue to work together, in #Umoja, and the spirit of #Ubuntu, helping and respecting each other…



#Nubians #Moors #Afrikans


#AfricanAlerts #BlackTwitter #Blackpoundman #Umoja #Ubuntu
