Lack of Passion and Focus

Sweet Greetings, Shirley, dear sister.

I trust that you and your family are all well and keeping safe.

Update – Yes, there is plenty to update. With regards to the #UmojaisourMIGHT list of #TheBlackpoundUNION campaign supporters. However, one only has one pair of hands. There are over 120 supporters with a PhD, to add alone, 20 to 30 supporters who’ve had some queen’s honour, 5 to 7 who’ve become politicians… The list goes on… If the update required, relates to one of #TheBlackpound #Spendingpower #campaign ‘Honorary Founder Members’, that’s necessary.

Response – If the list of campaign supporters had been updated in the last, 24hrs, would that galvanise a different, more positive response from you? Of sharing, joining, supporting, contacting, volunteering… Some positive interaction, that would progress the fight against the #DailyRacialOppression. Fact is, the list of 1,100 of the #TheBlackpoundUNION supporters, never has, therefore, one has to focus on the crucial online efforts, that will get the campaign developing and off the ground.

Your comment – ‘Last post was 2013. Any update’. This is a very unusual, response. The purpose of the post is to get people engaged and involved in #TheBlackpoundUNION #spendingpower online #campaign.

Response – I’ve had people, say: ‘Wow!’, ‘That’s some clout’, ‘impressive list of names’, congratulations. That’s the sum total of responses.

Apathy – However, we don’t have enough contact from people from #OurCommUNITY simply saying: ‘How can I help’, `What can I do to help’, ‘I can do this …. to help’, ‘I can help with ….’ Where are things at… ‘, etc. With the intention of helping or contributing something positive.

Contact – 90 per cent of the #BlackCommUNITY contact the #BlackpoundUnion campaign with their own agenda, which most of the time is not even a Black CommUNITY agenda. They want to undermine the campaign or myself personally. They consider one, smart enough to achieve this, and attract their attention, however, stupid and dumb enough to fall for them…

Global contact – Any positive initiatives in our community like this should be receiving 2 to 3 phone calls per day, with offers of help and support. Not to mention ten times more emails. However, that’s not the case…

Spamming and Promotions – Even online on Facebook in particular, we’ve had to ban, or block over 15,000 people from the One Million Households, #Blackpound Facebook group, over the last six years. As it’s unproductive to spend time deleting the spam advertising and self promotions of group members, who don’t even read post, or ever like or dislike Post. They only spam. This is a far to common problem with Black Facebook groups.

Lack of #Sharing – Our community doesn’t even share positive community information online via their networks especially on Facebook. Compared with right-wing organisations on Facebook. There is more sharing, longer comments, more relevant comments… etc… The list goes on…

Reparations movement – There are still less than 5,000 signatures on the #ReparationsUK petition, in five years only 4,051 people have signed the online petition. The last comments, were three months ago. In spite of the great efforts for signatures on the petition handed in each year, and the awareness raised of the online petition. I was the first to sign and share that petition in 2015…

The #GoFundMe fundraiser for the
The #ReparationsMarch #AugustMarch #August1st #EmancipationDayMarch

This has sill not reached £1,200 in four years! There are drug dealers, walking around, with more money in their pocket, than that! I personally am responsible for over £300 of those donations, encouraging others to donate, and regularly sharing it. I’m probably one of a few, if that, not directly on the #MarchAugust #Reparations committee who’s shared it online.
If #TheBlackcommUNITY can’t get behind the reparations movement, then, what will galvanise #OurCommUnity…

#SisterSpace – This petition, has in fact proportionately done better than the #ReparationsNOW #GoFundMe raising £930 by comparison, in just a few years…


#TheBlackpoundman – #GoFundMe💝 – Making #TheBlackpound💷 happen!🖲️



#Funding💳 #Gifts🎁 #Grants💰 #Benevolence💝 #JustGiving

I alone have raised a quarter of the #Reparations donations. However, only £25.00 has come from two online donations, and Members of the online groups, and these two group members in particular, are people who notice my absence online, and know that one’s not OK, when that’s the case. The rest of the donations have come whilst out canvassing outside supermarkets.

Covid-19 Coronavirus – This biological, World War III, #WW3 has seriously put the backs of Black people up against the wall, as the Hon Marcus Garvey, put it, and it will be interesting to see how we come out of it. However, given the fact that, most people have more time on their hands, to go online, do great deeds, those great deeds are not happening. It’s very doubtful that we’ll see greater galvanisation of the #BlackCommUNITY after Covid-19…

COVID-19 – On the subject of this, I saw, this, when I woke up this morning, at 4.25am, shared to me by a White member of the One Million Households group. I see 20 to 30 Messenger messages every day, with Thugs Life, (a game about violence and killing), recently. Compared to 2 or 3 a week, (if that) regarding something positive about the progression of Black people. I’ve had to block anyone and everyone on Messenger, who’s sent me this game. The Hon Minister Farrakhan, agrees, with me, that Black people aren’t using the Internet to raise themselves up collectively. The Hon Marcus Garvey, said that you must use ‘popular media’, to get your message out. The Internet is the most popular media of our age. Nevertheless, Black people fail to use it effectively… Collectively…

Racism and Covid-19 – I’ve shared this online in key groups, and invited, notified over 700 people, this morning. It took about 30 minutes to do that. If just 10 per cent, of the #globalAfrikancommUNITY online, spent just 30 minutes a month, sharing positive collective #BlackAgenda information online, the #BlackcommUNITY would develop exponentially, like China.

#Covid-19 #CaronaVirus and #China – China has followed the philosophy of #MarcusGarvey and raised themselves up, spiritually, economically, politically, technologically and militarily. To the point where, China is literally terraforming Africa, in readiness for total Chinese occupation, after the destruction and genocide of the indigenous population, by chemical annihilation…

BoycottMadeInChina – This is one of the most positive collective actions of the #BlackCommUNITY since #WW3 started, in response to the evil inhumane treatment of Afrikan people, by Chinese people.

Longterm – The #globalAfrikancommUNITY will seriously need to focus on this economic boycott of Chinese manufactured goods. We need to look closer at labels, whilst shopping on and offline. One, five, ten years from now. We need to make the hashtag #BoycottMadeInChina and the economic impact matter and make news globally, regularly, just like we did with the #BlackLivesMatter #BLM hashtags. We need to put passion and focus into the mission. Since seeing the #BoycottMadeInChina campaign and petition myself. I’ve #SharedIt, posted it, and never once seen it #Shared, or comments of agreement or support. I’ve not seen anyone else support or share it, and certainly not like the enthusiasm for Thugs Life…

Passion and Focus – The #globalAfrikancommUNITY seriously needs to have collective passion and focus, where fighting #RacialOppression is concerned.

Passion and focus…

…Passion and focus…

#StrategicCollective #StrategicColletiveness

This blog post on the subject of the need to have passion and focus, has only been liked two or three times in four years. It’s never been commented upon, in terms of the actual content, as Black people, seem to not read, especially when an image exists… The only six or seven comments have been made about the picture of a Rolls Royce car. When posted with the words ‘Passion and Focus’, as the image, then no response whatsoever, is the outcome… It illicits nothing…

My dear friend, it’s seriously time for Black people to wake up… And collectively galvanise our resources. No more, wasting time…

#KeepSafe #StaySafe

Wishing you all the very best in your future endeavours…


Let’s continue to work together, in #Umoja, and the spirit of #Ubuntu, helping and respecting each other…

The links below, should connect you to some background info about #TheBlackpoundUNION #spendingpower campaign.

One million urged to join #theBlackpound #spendingpower #ConsumerCampaign ✊
Voice entire front page article
#ClickonLink 👇🏿

Voice –ENTIRE front page




Best of #Blackpoundman
#Click2Read 👇🏿



Wishing you, every facit of power, knowledge and understanding from #ourancientGREATMIGHTYAfrikanancestors

Have a nice nite.

Wishing you dreams & visions for a better future for our children & grandchildren…



Warren Alexander-Dean
Founder and joint Administrator with 19 others
UK African Family Household UNION™ &
UK African Parliament™ – online campaign🖲️

☎️: +44 7539900596
#EE #WhatsApp #Skype
🖲️: @OneMillionHouse

One Million Households – Making the #Blackpound work for us!

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